Friday, October 28, 2011

Fruit of the Vine

I had the complete honor of taking school photos at South East Church of Christ with The Vine students. Here are some fun shots for you to enjoy! Thank you SECC for letting me capture the sweet faces of The Vine students for a second year!

Monday, August 22, 2011

A Walk in the Park

Little Addison and her family was such a joy to photograph! We had a bit of a hike in the woods to get some great family photos, thank you guys for being such troopers! Addison did an amazing job, and her birthday is just around the corner, Happy Birthday big girl :)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Hi everybody!!

I'm sorry for my abscense. Life has grabbed me by the coat tails and hasn't let go!! Between the birth of my baby now one, and my 3 yr old I've been mighty busy. But now I am ready and preparing more photos for your viewing enjoyment. I'll be posting those soon...

I hope everyone has been having a fun filled summer. Take care!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Hennan Family

Meet the Hennan family! What a fun photo session this was, you guys did awesome! Thank you so much for letting me capture your sweet family!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Im so excited to share my latest photo session! Meet Landon, he is just 7 days old and just a sweet precious boy! Thank you so much Emily and Robert, may these images spread joy to your family!

Monday, January 24, 2011

What a wonderful way to start the weekend off, with a photo shoot of course! Meet Brock...a collective sigh :) Is he not the CUTEST boy ever! photogenic and such a angle! He is such a great big brother too and i cant wait to have a photo session with Hudson! This family is such a blessing, thank you guys so much for letting me capture your boy's sweet faces! Enjoy :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Well hello!

...and Thank YOU for visiting my very first post on Cresswell Photography! Here it goes, im SO excited to begin my journey this year as a freelance photographer! Im in business officially...well almost there, im in the mist of creating an official website so be on the look out in the near future! ...With out further is my latest photo session with just about the coolest family, The Kemper's! Welcome baby Stella...enjoy!